I had the pleasure of photographing these 2 adorable babies on Sunday afternoon. All moms get nervous about pictures....especially when you are dealing with infants, toddlers and small children. Will they behave? Will they be in a good mood? I've taken my son to get his pictures taken at a studio AND taken his pictures myself and I always seem to leave out of breath. Chasing them around as they crawl the opposite way of the camera, making funny noises to get their attention....hoping......praying....that you can squeeze a smile out of them. Malisha, the mother of these two adorable twins, apologized to me over and over again for them "not cooperating" and thanked me several times for my patience. Little does she know.....every mom feels like they caused me so much grief.....like their kids didn't cooperate.....and they leave wondering if I even captured one good smile. MOTHERS.....no child smiles perfectly for every photo shoot. NO child sits perfectly still and always stares at the camera. My job is to chase them around.....my job is to capture the smile....even if it only lasts for 1/10 of a second.....and my MAIN job is to capture their personality......and its not always perfect smiles at the camera.....sometimes its that silly face that they always make.......sometimes its the way they cry and still look cute.....sometimes it's their eyelashes as they look at the ground and won't even look up at me. So please.....MALISHA....don't feel like your children didn't do well.......these pictures say otherwise. Enjoy.......

ReplyDeleteMy brother said these are the most beautiful children's pictures he has ever seen. You have brought out the true personalities and physical beauty of these wonderful blessings. Thank you so much, Chad (Daddy)
ReplyDeleteThe pictures of Melisha, Chad, Grant, & Liberty are absolutely beautiful. Your ability to capture their inner and outer beauty is wonderful. I truly enjoy seeing these pictures.
Great Job! Aunt Melody
What a beautiful group of pictures of a beautiful family! Job well done!!
ReplyDeleteStephanie Posey